Overview ANKER



Those who cling to the past find it difficult to embrace the future. At ANKER, we want to help shape the future, to be pioneers and trailblazers. In terms of innovation, sustainability and design.



Ecology, recycling and environmental compatibility are important components of our corporate strategy. For more sustainability.

blauer Sessel, Teppichboden TEXRA SERART

Locations and Subsidiaries

At lo­cations in Europe, Asia, and North America. So that you can reach us from just about anywhere.

Garn auf Rollen

Quality and Certificates

Quality and certificates can exist independently of each other—but they make more sense in combination. Together they provide security, guarantee comfort and offer certainty, with proven results.

Mann und Frau sitzen auf Hocker Blick nach oben gerichtet, Teppichboden PLANIM

About Us

All living and working spaces perfectly designed – who wouldn’t want that?

Historischer Webstuhl


A lot has happened in over 170 years of company history: A wide variety of changes, setbacks, advances, innovations, and milestones.

Kind liest Braille-Schrift

Social Engagement

For us, integrating social responsibility into our corporate activities is more than just a theoretical guiding principle. For us, it is a matter of course that we have always acted upon.

Frau fährt Gabelstapler

Career and Job Board

Carpeting is our everything – at least professionally. We share this passion with like-minded people to achieve the best possible results.

zwei Frauen im geschäftlichen Umfeld begrüßen sich per Handschlag


The quality of our textile floor coverings does not come about by itself. In addition to know-how, machines, and materials, we therefore trust our partners.



Stay up to date. With our news about our company and our textile floor coverings.


Exhibitions and Events

Here you can get in touch with ANKER personally. You can find us at these trade fairs and events ...

We are ANKER – trend-setting and long-established

We are proof that innovation and tradition do not have to contradict each other. That’s because our company has been around for over 170 years. It’s a really long time, true, but it's also something we're very proud of. After all, we achieved quite a lot in that time – historically, socially, ecologically and qualitatively.

And it would be a shame if that weren't the case. Because then our resource-saving Econyl® yarn might not be a thing, and there might be fewer sustainable and high-quality carpets. The natural habitat we created might be filled with buildings and other structures, and the commitment to the blind (in our region) might also be lower. The GUT-Prodis or Domotex quality standards might not exist in their current form either.

And our employees might not have been able to think outside the box and advance new developments, create classic design or collaborate with external partners to develop innovations and design studies for the aviation industry.

It’s therefore a good thing that we’ve remained forward-looking over the years, almost as a tradition.