Pilot im Cockpit



Quality and

We are one of the few manu­facturers in the world authorised to produce carpeting for the aviation industry – because we meet the high quality standards.

And even exceed them. In terms of material properties, functional aspects and ecological considerations. This is ensured by our accredited laboratory.

For this reason, we are also ISO-certified. As a company and laboratory in general — and for the aviation sector.

ANKER Siegel

More than just better

Qualitätskontrolle im Labor, Diagramme auf Computer

“In our laboratory, we carry out test procedures — including test methods developed in-house — by customers in advance. In doing so, we take into account-specific requirements as well as the respective application situations. This saves valuable development time — for us and for the customer: Because they only receive the products once they have been tested and are ready for use.”

Tanja Kaul
Head of Laboratory ANKER

Because tested is always better

We play it safe with our carpets: in terms of quality, functionality and comfort. Because design isn't everything. That's why we test and inspect all our aviation collections in our in-house laboratory in accordance with a wide range of regulations and specifications, standards and norms. General standards as well as those of individual aircraft manufacturers and airlines — such as Airbus, Boing, Embraer and Comac. We are happy to do this. After all, the safety of passengers and aircrew is a matter of course for us.

In addition to standard specifications, we can also subject our textile floor coverings to the following tests: Fire Assurance Test (FAR), Fume Density and Toxicity (ABD), Buckling & Slipping Test. We also carry out special test methods — for example, to ensure that our carpets adhere to the aircraft floor.

And only when these have all been successfully passed do our new developments take to the skies. So that cabin interior designers, aircraft manufacturers and airlines get the best flooring. Fast and reliable. Tested and certified.