Flugzeug wir in Halle gebaut


Advice, News & Tools

Designing airplanes and other vehicles is time-consuming enough without having to spend time searching for detailed information, right? 

You don't have to! We have wisely bundled together the most important points in a compact format. And set the corresponding links/shortcuts for everything else.

But first things first: You won't get any off-the-shelf products from our aviation team! Because our designers develop carpets from the ground up. Customized – for every customer. Guaranteed. What is also certain: the part number. You will receive this early on in the process.

This is not only practical, but it also saves time. And with our Airlight Collection and SonicWave Air Backing, you also have access to our unique solutions. To reduce the weight and noise level in the cabin. For high quality, visually appealing aircraft carpet that is also highly functional.

In good Company

Logos diverser Fluggesellschaften


Bernd Zumbe

Bernd Zumbe

Sales Director Aviation

b.zumbe@anker-dueren.dePhone: +49 2421 804-0

Enrico Pennings

Enrico Pennings

International Sales Manager

e.pennings@anker-dueren.dePhone: +49 2421 804-381Mobil: +49 173 7296922

Paul Zawadzki

Paul Zawadzki

Director Transportation

p.zawadzki@anker-dueren.dePhone: +49 2421 804-242Mobil: +49 173 7296936

Design Team

Nina Leonhard

Nina Leonhard

Dipl. Designerin

n.leonhard@anker-dueren.dePhone: +49 2421 804-0

Patrick Werner

Patrick Werner


p.werner@anker-dueren.dePhone: +49 2421 804-0

Back Office

Mike Gebauer

Mike Gebauer

Sales Support Export/Aviation

m.gebauer@anker-dueren.dePhone: +49 2421 804-227


Patrick Kley

Customer Support Region Berlin, Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, Hamburg, Schleswig-Holstein

p.kley@anker-dueren.dePhone: +49 2421 804-252


Hafida Ou Sahmou-Kocagenis

Customer Support Region Rhein-Ruhr / Sales Support Export/Aviation

h.ousahmoukocagenis@anker-dueren.dePhone: +49 2421 804-408

Desiree Sauren

Desiree Sauren

Sales Support Export/Aviation

d.sauren@anker-dueren.dePhone: +49 2421 804-476

Jan Stoffels

Jan Stoffels

Head of the office service

j.stoffels@anker-dueren.dePhone: +49 2421 804-355Mobil: +49 173 7296926