Frau sitzt auf Fensterbank und schreibt



HATEMA BLUR, Color 779

Simply Comfortable

Tablett mit dampfender Teekanne und Tasse

A stylish ambience, soft materials, beautiful decor:

These are all important factors in making us want to spend time where we work and live. What often goes un­noticed is the tem­perature. With our textile floor coverings, every­thing is just right.

Fortunately, carpets create a special atmosphere. Objectively, subjectively – and thermally. After all, comfort is not just about looks. Because who wants to spend time in rooms that are literally cold?

So it's nice to know that our textile floor coverings help to improve the room tem­perature. For more comfort and well-being. And noticeably so. So that your feet don’t get cold.

Less cold
  is much warmer

Büro im industriellen Loft-Stil, mit weißer Ziegelwand, poliertem Betonboden und schwarzer Stahlstruktur, ausgestattet mit dunkelbraunem und schwarzem Leder

TERUM, Color 592

The textile nature of carpet makes it ideal for creating a comfortable environment.

One that, thanks to its thermal properties, improves mood, posture and concentration. Because it's a much nicer way to work and live.

We are constantly developing the functionalities of our carpets to provide the best possible conditions for this. To create tangible moments of well-being in everyday life. Because warmth is good for everyone.

Here are our reasons
  why denser is better:

Pleasant temperature

modernes Großraumbüro

PERLON RIPS, Color 204

It is normal to freeze when it’s cold and to sweat when it’s warm.

The fact that a cool room can also be per­ceived as being warmer than it actually is may seem illogical at first. But with the right floor covering, the perceived tempe­rature can be changed by as much as two de­grees. Like with our carpe­ting, for example.

This is due to the fact that the actual tempe­rature of a room is not always the same as the per­ceived tem­perature of the room. It is more a matter of indi­vidual per­ception – as well as building physics factors. Both deter­mine whether or not we feel comfortable in a room when it comes to tempe­rature. Although we should feel comfor­table.

In addition to many other factors, thermal comfort is influenced by the tempe­rature distribution in the room: Cold walls, ceilings and floors cause heat loss – in the room and in us. And the perceived tempe­rature of a room is most dependent on the floor covering, since we have the most contact with the floor. Or better yet, its material and thermal conductivity. Be­cause the lower it is, the warmer we feel when we touch it. Smooth floor coverings such as stone, marble or tiles have a relatively high thermal conductivity, whereas textile floor coverings have a low thermal conductivity. Our bodies give off less heat in the same amount of time – with­out cooling down in the process. This keeps your feet warm – and the perceived tempe­rature in­creases.

Well insulated

Frau liegt auf Teppich VITURA Wavegarden

VITURA® Wavegarden, Color 303

Textile floor coverings not only prevent heat loss, they also ensure that heat stays in the room.

Thanks to its insulating properties. And the associated high thermal resistance (R-value). Particularly effective here are our very closely spaced tufted carpets. Their pile layer is therefore particularly compact, and the pile is nice and dense. That's because thick, fluffy carpets not only look cozy, but their pile also traps air in the spaces between the fibers. And as an equally poor conductor of heat, it also acts as a cold shield. Thus, carpet has better insulation properties – up to ten percent, compared to hard flooring.

Efficient savings

Frau sitzt auf Teppich mit Laptop

VITURA® Terrazzo classic, Color 600

Having warm feet and keeping a cool head – this is ideal.

But it doesn’t often correspond with reality. This is because the temperature difference between the two parts of the body should be no more than two to three degrees. Otherwise, we will feel uncomfortable. With carpeting, though, it doesn't even come to that. Because it insulates heat well and dissipates it poorly. This makes the room feel comfortable even if the actual temperature is a degree or two lower. Carpeting can save up to twelve percent of the energy used for heating. And that's not just good for us – that’s also good for the environment.