Flugzeugkabine innen mit Fluggast und Stewardess



Our Aviation Experts Open to New Things

Textile floor covering for airplanes is unique – we know that. And that’s why we have a special team dedicated to this area. From the initial request to the development of the design and inspection to shipment. To ensure you get the right aircraft carpet.

And here’s how you can get your “flying” carpet:

  1. Submit a request. Or let your design office do it. It sounds simple, and it is.
  2. Depending on the detail of the briefing and whether you know what the design should look like, our Design team will create a simulation for you or practical mood boards. Always in line with your corporate design and the requested colors and patterns.
  3. Found the right design? Then it will be turned into carpet samples on our looms and sent for testing. We are then able to provide you with you a part number from this process stage onwards.
  4. The lab: The woven carpet is put through rigorous in-house testing here. Are the patterns and yarns up to snuff? Does the fireproofing do what it should?
  5. The samples will be sent to you as soon as they have successfully passed all tests. For you to check and test the look and feel.
  6. If everything’s okay, then all that is missing is to place your order: This is where we’ll agree on the conditions of production, the quantity, delivery date, and much more.
  7. Now there’s only one thing left for you to do: Look forward to receiving your very individual aircraft carpet made for you!

Near You Around the World

Always on hand to discuss special patterns, colors, and designs – that’s our Aviation team. They are also familiar with factors such as weight, functionalities, and standards. And they’ll provide you with – direct and comprehensive – advice if you have any questions or concerns.

Give them a ring or send them an email!


Bernd Zumbe

Bernd Zumbe

Sales Director Aviation

b.zumbe@anker-dueren.dePhone: +49 2421 804-0

Enrico Pennings

Enrico Pennings

Regional Sales Manager Aviation, International Sales Manager

e.pennings@anker-dueren.dePhone: +49 2421 804-381Mobil: +49 173 7296922

Paul Zawadzki

Paul Zawadzki

Director Transportation

p.zawadzki@anker-dueren.dePhone: +49 2421 804-242Mobil: +49 173 7296936

Design Team

Nina Leonhard

Nina Leonhard

Dipl. Designerin

n.leonhard@anker-dueren.dePhone: +49 2421 804-0

Patrick Werner

Patrick Werner


p.werner@anker-dueren.dePhone: +49 2421 804-0

Back Office

Mike Gebauer

Mike Gebauer

Sales Support Export/Aviation

m.gebauer@anker-dueren.dePhone: +49 2421 804-227


Patrick Kley

Customer Support Region Berlin, Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, Hamburg, Schleswig-Holstein

p.kley@anker-dueren.dePhone: +49 2421 804-252


Hafida Ou Sahmou-Kocagenis

Customer Support Region Rhein-Ruhr / Sales Support Export/Aviation

h.ousahmoukocagenis@anker-dueren.dePhone: +49 2421 804-408

Desiree Sauren

Desiree Sauren

Sales Support Export/Aviation

d.sauren@anker-dueren.dePhone: +49 2421 804-476

Jan Stoffels

Jan Stoffels

Head of the office service

j.stoffels@anker-dueren.dePhone: +49 2421 804-355Mobil: +49 173 7296926