Library of FU Berlin Berlin

Textile flooring is not always the most popular choice …
… amongst international architects. It is, however, gaining more and more ground when it comes to functionality. Take the Philological Library of Freie Universität Berlin, for example.
Lord Norman Foster and his world-famous firm Foster and Partners (whose German office is in Berlin) created a spectacular new building that is fitted with PERLON RIPS by ANKER.
One example of its virtuosity is the harmonious interplay between the materials and the color scheme, with various shades of gray mingling in front of a dominant white that causes the inner shell formed by the balustrades to gleam. In keeping with the 1970s architecture of the adjacent building, the steel construction of the building’s shell appears in bold yellow, as do parts of the reception area.
The effect is modern, minimalist, sophisticated and functional – but never cold. This ambitious overall ensemble is rounded off by the textile flooring in anthracite.
Project overview
New library of the philological faculty – Freie Universität Berlin
Foster and Partners, London und Berlin


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